"Young researchers" day in gametheory and microeconomics

The CRESE laboratory is organising a "young researchers" day in gametheory and microeconomics on 14 March 2024 in Besançon. Interested candidates should send a CV and a Job Market Paper to Sylvain Béal (sylvain.beal@univ-fcomte.fr) by 15 February 2024. Please note that places are limited. The selected young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work orally and discuss with members of the laboratory. CRESE will cover travel costs (from France) and one night's accommodation if necessary.
Additionally, the CRESE research center is seeking to recruit in Spring 2024 an Assistant Professor (starting September 2024). The candidate will have to carry out his or her research activity in game theory, microeconomics, and will have to fit into one of the three research axes of CRESE. Candidates must apply for this position through the official Galaxie procedure.