Evenings of the Energy Transition in an industrial context

The EDEN.i Network of the University of Franche-Comté is organizing an evening conference (STE.i - Soirées de la Transition Énergétique dans un contexte industriel) on Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 6:00 pm, in Montbéliard, in the amphitheatre B of the UFR STGI, Pôle universitaire des Portes du Jura, 4 Place Tharradin.
We will welcome Daniel GILBERT, Professor in ecology at the University of Franche-Comté, Director of the Chrono-Environment research center and of the Arc Jurassien Workshop Zone of the CNRS.
The topic will be the contribution of peatlands to the objective of carbon neutrality for 2050. It will be an opportunity to discuss the economic value of carbon stored in peatlands. The program and the poster are available below. You will also find below the agenda of the EDEN.i Network activities for the first half of 2022.
Next event after the evening of April 14: second edition of the EDEN.i Network seminars, on Friday, May 6 at 11:30 am, led by Gregory KOTNAROVSKY, Teacher-researcher at ESTA and head of the "Management of the energy transition" axis of the EDEN.i Network. Grégory will lead this seminar around the OGRE Workshop, of which he is the founder. Register and download your ticket on this link: https://www.billetweb.fr/ogre-ordre-de-grandeur-de-energies
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