Christian AT

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Responsability and research domain


Optimal policy for organic farming conversion (2023), Revue d'Economie Politique, 133, 105-118.
Author(s) : At Christian, Gilbert Daniel, Thomas Lionel

Optimal Tenurial Contracts under both Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (2019), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101, 941-959
Author(s) : At Christian, Thomas Lionel

The Market for Corporate Control with Influential and Dependent Stakeholder Protection (2017), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2017, 173(3):419-430.
Author(s) : At Christian

Optimal Lending Contracts (2017), Oxford Economic Papers, 69, 263-277
Author(s) : At Christian, Thomas Lionel

Security Voting Structure and Bidder Screening (2015), Journal of Financial Intermediation , 2011, 20(3):458-476.
Author(s) : At Christian, Burkart Mike, Lee Samuel

Privatization and Leverage (2012), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 2012, 28, pp. 32-44.
Author(s) : At Christian

Working papers

Strategic Toeholds in Takeovers, Hervé Alexandre, Christian At, Catherine Refait-Alexandre