Energy Transition Mornings 2021 Schedule

The ENERGY TRANSITION MEETINGS are back in 2021... And they are growing...
For the fourth consecutive season, the AES-DROIT-MANAGEMENT Department of the UFR STGI (University of Franche-Comté, Belfort) is organizing series of conferences and debates on the economic and legal issues of energy and climate change.
The objective is to highlight the work of researchers in energy economics and law in an industrial context, such as North Franche-Comté, with a strong presence of energy companies.
New for the 2021 season
These events will take place in two formats: the traditional Energy Transition Mornings in the North Franche-Comté metropolitan area, a platform for debate and exchange between the university and the business world, and the Energy Transition Evenings in an industrial context, conferences for the general public organized jointly with the Université Populaire de Belfort.
The year 2021 will also mark a new stage in the promotion of research in energy economics and law in an industrial context, with the creation of a network aimed at structuring exchanges between researchers, companies, local authorities and other economic players.
Evenings of the Energy Transition in an industrial context
The first edition of the evenings of the Energy Transition in an industrial context will take place on Thursday, May 20th, at 6:15 pm, in the CCI of the Territoire de Belfort building.
On this occasion, we will welcome Blanche LORMETEAU, Doctor of Environmental Law and researcher in energy law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, who will give a lecture on the theme of legal liability in the face of climate change.