Valorization & Experts


Presentation of Alexis Roussel's health economics research by the En Direct journal : "Des équations pour aider à pallier le manque de personnel infirmier à l’hôpital" (link)

Mostapha Diss has been appointed as an affiliate member of the Institute for Mathematics and Democracy (link)

Sylvain Béal Mostapha Diss were interviewed by L'Est Républicain (July 11, 2024) : "Recherche : toutes les négociations appliquent la théorie des jeux".

Catherine Refait-Alexandre sits on the jury for the Impact Société de Gestion Prize : LinkedIn Link

Vincent Bertrand was interviewed by L'Opinion (April 10, 2024) : "Chute du prix du carbone: bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle ?"

Karine BrissetFrançois Cochard were interviewed by L'Est Républicain (April 9, 2024) : "Enchères : dans la tête des acheteurs".

Karine BrissetFrançois Cochard were interviewed by the magazine En Direct, n°311 (march-april 2024) : link to the article

Emmanuel Peterle gave a talk as part of the "Les jeudis de la MSHE" series of conferences for the general public, on the theme of "Comment les biais cognitifs influencent la législation et les verdicts" (january 2024)





Matinée EDEN.i : "Flexibilités, effacement et équilibrage du système électrique : principes généraux et mécanismes de marché" (November 10, 2023)


Karine Brisset, François Cochard and Chouaib Jouf were interviewed by the magazine En Direct, n°307 (July/August 2023), on the subject of "Politique agricole commune et particularités locales" : Link to the article

Karine Brisset was interviewed by Mathieu Laugier for the journal "Réduire les dépenses de ses achats: cap sur l'enchère électronique" (January 2023) : Link to the article

The EDEN.i network, whose director is Vincent Bertrand, has created a YouTube channel, accessible here: The video of the latest morning session ("Matinée de la Transition Énergétique") is available.

Mostapha Diss gave a talk as part of the "Les jeudis de la MSHE" series of conferences for the general public, on the theme of "Electing our representatives: can we do better?" (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de l'Environnement Claude Nicolas Ledoux).



Catherine Refait-Alexandre has been interviewed by En Direct n°306 (May/June 2023), "Agricultural projects and crowdfunding". Link to this issue of the newspaper (article on page 6).

François Maréchal has been interviewed by on the method of scoring offers in public procurement. Link to the article.

Fabien Labondance quoted by the newspaper Le Monde in an article "Confidence, credit: the banking crisis, an additional risk for the economy". Link to the article.

Michel Mougeot and Florence Naegelen have been heard by the Cour des Comptes as part of its mission to monitor the reform of hospital pricing.



Presentation by Catherine Refait-Alexandre on "Faced with climate issues, what role for finance?” in the context of the MSHE Thursdays.
New partnership between RTE and the Eden.i network (created and directed by Vincent Bertrand):
Communication of Vincent Bertrand, in collaboration with Marie-Cécile Péra, during the science festival 2022. The video is available below.
Publication of an interview by Vincent Bertrand on : "The border tax would target tankers from China in particular". Link to the article.
Sylvain Béal gives a talk about game theory at the seminar of the IREM (Institut de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathématiques) of Franche-Comté.
Publication of an article on (Vincent Bertrand) : "Decarbonizing the economy: the challenges of heavy industry". Link to the article.
Publication of an article on (Vincent Bertrand) : "Presidential election 2022: do we need new nuclear power plants?". Link to the article.
Publication of an article on (Vincent Bertrand): "An economic and legal approach to energy: discover the EDEN.i Network project". Link to the article.
Publication of an article on (Vincent Bertrand): "The war reveals a growing dependence on gas". Link to the article.
Publication of an article on (Vincent Bertrand): "The CO2 market is the thermometer of ambition in the fight against global warming". Link to the article.
Publication of an article on (Vincent Bertrand): "Is the CO2 market only guided by the short term? The fundamentals show the opposite". Link to the article.
Presentation by Sylvain Béal on "(Mismatched) couples: try the economists' algorithms!” in the context of the MSHE Thursdays. Link to the summary of the presentation.


Organization of a workshop "Leniency Programs Against Illegal Cartels" by Karine Brisset and Kenza Regragui. Link to the photos.
Presentation by Alexis Roussel during the radio program LA MÉTHODE SCIENTIFIQUE on France Culture. Link to the presentation of Alexis Roussel. Link to the entire radio program.
Organization of the 6th annual conference of the French Association of Economics of Law (AFED) at the UFR SJEPG on October 14 and 15, 2021. Organized locally by Yves Oytana and Marc Deschamps. Photos by Nathalie At (
Presentation by Yves Oytana at the event "La Nuit du Droit" at the UFR SJEPG on the theme of predictive justice.


Publication of an article in The Conversation (Sylvain Max and François Cochard): Are women really less competitive than men? Link to the article



Publication of an article by Karine Brisset (co-written with Alain Alleaume) in the professional journal LDA - Link to the article
Presentation by Karine Brisset at a conference by the Open University on March 6: Effectiveness of leniency programs in the fight against cartels.




Presentation by Catherine Refait-Alexandre at the Webinar "Les rendez-vous de l'épargne", organized by the Banque de France, the AMF and the ACPR, November 2020, "French savings and the "France Relance" plan: The role of Fintechs".
Interview with Michel Mougeot and Florence Naegelen, "Who says better for auction theory", En Direct n°291, November/December 2020 - Link to the article
Article by Mostapha Diss: "Flaws in the majority voting system", published in En Direct - Link to the article




Presentation of Alexandre Flage: UBFC - My thesis in 180 seconds (MT180), Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, 2019.

Marc Deschamps and Mostapha Diss in The Conversation - Link to the article

Marc Deschamps in a conference for a large public - Press coverage

Presentation by Karine Brisset in a conference about the second hand watch market - Link to article

Presentation by Vincent Bertrand at a conference for high school students - Link to the article

Press article in Est-Républicain (local press) on the Matinée de la transition énergétique - Link to the article (in French), Radio 1, Radio 2

Catherine Réfait-Alexandre made an presentation at Crédit Agricole Franche-Comté's "Seminar Managers": "Negative interest rates: what are the challenges for retail banking, today and tomorrow? "(Vittel, September 2019)

The CRESE organized the 36th International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance in June 2019. Local organizers: Catherine Refait-Alexandre, Fabien Labondance et Thomas Chuffart

Marc Deschamps co-wrote an article in The Conversation and participated in a radio show. Article - Radio

Marc Deschamps wrote an article in a Luxembourg newspaper "Land" about asylum application. Download

Marc Deschamps talks about financial compensation when parents are late at school in the periodical "En Direct" of the University of Franche-Comté. Download

Lionel Thomas has been interviewed by the local radio France Bleu Besançon during the Economy in ZAAJ event. Program prepared by Jérémy Querenet for France Bleu Besançon. Podcast

Sylvain Beal has been interviewed by the local radio France Bleu Besançon. Program prepared by Jérémy Querenet for France Bleu Besançon. Podcast

Interview on Radio Campus Besançon by Cécile Pollart around the 50th birthday of the UFR SJEPG with the different department CRESE, CREGO et CRJFC. Podcast








Vincent Bertrand in The Conversation :


Marc Deschamps’s interview by Xerfi on the economic expertise and the law of concurence :

François Cochard’s talk "Economics behavior : Are we Einstein or Homer Simpson ?" in the context of the MSHE Thursdays. Download the poster and the summary. He was interviewed by the Est Républicain:

Vincent Bertrand organizes a recurrent workshop on energy transition in the North Franche-Comté in partnership with the CCI of Belfort and the Climate Economics Chair at Paris-Dauphine University.  The aim is to organize meetings between industrial, institutional and academic actors, in order to exchange on the economic and legal issues related to the energy transition in the industrial territory of North Franche-Comté. The first three editions took place in 2018:

Link to the website of the Mornings :

Some photos from the launching conference:


Marc Deschamps is interviewed by Xerfi on the choice of host country by migrants:

François Cochard participates in the European night of researchers and is interviewed in the Est républicain - Press coverage

Melanie Heugues organized a workshop on open innovation on April 5, 2018, during which academics, elected officials and entrepreneurs were able to exchange - Download the program

Presentation by Marc Deschamps on "Should we punish financially parents who come to pick up their children late?” in the context of the MSHE Thursdays - Download the poster and the summary - Press coverage. He is also interviewed by Xerfi on this subject:




Karine Brisset praises the merits of electronic reverse auctions in "Décision Achats" - Link to the article

Presentation by Karine Brisset on "Online auctions : A new way of transaction for second-hand luxury ?" in the context of the MSHE Thursdays - Link to the poster and the abstract




Nicolas Rivière supervised an evaluation of the monitoring and social support system (DIVAS) in collaboration with the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté gerontology center. The study involved 60,000 questionnaires filled out in 2015 by retirees as part of an information and sensitization campaign on actions conducive to "aging well", and the detection by factors of frail elderly people.

Fabien Labondance supervised a group of students in charge of the organization Xavier Timbeau's conference (OFCE).




Jihad El Naboulsi wrote an article in issue 4 of the review CERCOOP Franche-Comté - Download

Karine Brisset is the winner of the prize for the best communication in research at the International Watchmaking Marketing Days in Switzerland.

Eric Rimbaux at the IHEDN (Institut des hautes études de défense nationale) between the competitive gap between France and Germany.

Marc Deschamps’s interview by Xerfi on increase of rivals' cost strategies:

Marie-Line Duboz participated to "Mobilities in perpetual mutation" in the periodical" Direct "of the University of Franche-Comté - Download

Karine Brisset talks about ethical consideration within firms in the periodical "En Direct" of the University of Franche-Comté - Download


Before 2015


Catherine Refait-Alexandre et Karine Brisset have collaborated on the periodical "En Direct" N°252. Download

François Cochard presents experimental economics in the "Live" period at the University of Franche-Comté - Download

François Cochard explains how work incitations in a system of taxes and subsidies indexed on ambient pollution to encourage polluters to change behavior in « Tout l’UFC » a magazine of the University of Franche-Comté - Download

Sylvain Béal presents the theory of games as part of a special issue of the magazine "Tout L'Ufc" of the University of Franche-Comté - Download

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