thème de recherche : théorie des jeux
Multiwinner elections with diversity constraints on individual preferences (2024), Revue d’Economie Politique
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc, Diss Mostapha, Tido Takeng Rodrigue
A Core-Partition Ranking Solution to Coalitional Ranking Problems (2023), Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer, vol. 32(4), p. 965-985 [DOI: 10.1007/s10726-023-09832-2]
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Ferrières Sylvain, Solal Philippe
Inconsistent weighting in weighted voting games (2022), Public Choice, 191:75-103
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc, Diss Mostapha, Moyouwou Issofa
The priority value for cooperative games with a priority structure (2022), International Journal of Game Theory, 51:431-450
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Ferrières Sylvain, Solal Philippe
Allocation rules for cooperative games with restricted communication and a priori unions based on the Myerson value and the average tree solution (2022), Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 43:818-849
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Cohesive efficiency in TU-games: axiomatizations of variants of the Shapley value, egalitarian values and their convex combinations (2021), Annals of Operations Research 302:23–47.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Casajus André, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Cooperative games on intersection closed systems and the Shapley value (2020), Mathematical Social Sciences 104:15–22.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Issofa Moyouwou, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Necessary versus equal players in axiomatic studies (2020), Operations Research Letters 48:385–391.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Navarro Florian
Taxing congestion of the space commons (2020), Acta Astronautica 177:313–319.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc, Moulin Hervé
Coalitional desirability and the equal division value (2019), Theory and Decision 86:95–106.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Harsanyi power solutions for cooperative games on voting structures (2019), International Journal of General Systems 48:575–602.
Auteur(s) :
Algaba Encarnacion, BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Relationship between labeled network games and other cooperative games arising from attributes situations (2019), Economics Letters 185:108708.
Auteur(s) :
Algaba Encarnacion, BÉAL Sylvain, Fragnelli Vito, Llorca Natividad, Sánchez-Soriano Joaquin
Two-step values for games with two-level communication structure (2018), Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 35:563–587.
Auteur(s) :
Khmelnitskaya Anna, BÉAL Sylvain, Solal Philippe
Efficient extensions of communications values (2018), Annals of Operations Research 264:41–56.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Casajus André, Huettner Frank
Axiomatic and bargaining foundations of an allocation rule for ordered tree TU-games (2018), Mathematical Social Sciences 93:132–140.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Ferrières Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
The proportional Shapley value and applications (2018), Games and Economic Behavior 108:93–112.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Ferrières Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Théorie des jeux coopératifs et non-coopératifs. Applications aux sciences sociales (2018), De Boeck, 2018, 400 p., ISBN : 978-2807313552
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Gabuthy Yannick
Discounted tree solutions (2017), Discrete Applied Mathematics 219:1–17.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
A strategic implementation of the Sequential Equal Surplus Division rule for rooted trees (2017), Annals of Operations Research 253:43–59.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Axiomatization and implementation of a class of solidarity values for TU-games (2017), Theory and Decision 83:61–94.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
On compensation schemes for data sharing within the European REACH legislation (2016), European Journal of Law and Economics 41:157–181
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc
Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification (2016), Mathematical Social Sciences 80:47–57.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Ferrières Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Characterizations of weighted and equal division values (2016), Theory and Decision 80:649–667.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Casajus André, Huettner Frank, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form (2016), International Game Theory Review 18:1650003.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Rémila Eric, Solal Philippe
On the existence of efficient and fair extensions of communication values for connected graphs (2016), Economics Letters 146:103–106.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Casajus André, Huettner Frank
Comparable axiomatizations of two allocation rules for cooperative games with transferable utility and their subclass of data games (2016), Journal of Public Economic Theory 18:992–1004.
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc, Solal Philippe
Les effets d’une réglementation sur la concurrence et l’innovation : première analyse de la réglementation européenne REACH (2011), Economie et Prévision
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc, Ravix Joël-Thomas, Sautel Olivier
La mise en place de la législation européenne REACH : une analyse des effets anticoncurrentiels (2011), Revue de l’OFCE
Auteur(s) :
BÉAL Sylvain, Deschamps Marc, Ravix Joël-Thomas, Sautel Olivier
Examination design: an axiomatic approach, Sylvain Béal & Sylvain Ferrière
Cooperative games on intersection closed systems and the Shapley value, Sylvain Béal & Issofa Moyouwou & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal
The priority value for cooperative games with a priority structure, Sylvain Béal, Sylvain Ferrières and Philippe Solal
Necessary versus equal players in axiomatic studies, Sylvain Béal and Florian Navarro
Inconsistent weighting in weighted voting games, Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps, Mostapha Diss, Issofa Moyouwou
A Core-partition solution for coalitional rankings with a variable population domain, Sylvain Béal, Sylvain Ferrières, Philippe Solal
Lexicographic solutions for coalitional rankings based on individual and collective performances, Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila, Philippe Solal
Axiomatic characterizations of the core without consistency, Sylvain Béal, Stéphane Gonzalez, Philippe Solal, Peter Sudhölter
A characterization of the family of Weighted priority values, Sylvain Béal, Sylvain Ferrières, Adriana Navarro-Ramos, Philippe Solal
Early contributors, cooperation and fair rewards in crowdfunding, Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps, Catherine Refait-Alexandre, Guillaume Sekli
Sharing the cost of hazardous transportation networks and the Priority Shapley value, Sylvain Béal, Adriana Navarro-Ramos, Eric Rémila, Philippe Solal
Cooperative games with diversity constraints, Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps, Mostapha Diss, Rodrigue Tido Takeng
Multiwinner elections with diversity constraints on individual preferences, Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps, Mostapha Diss, Rodrigue Tido Takeng
The neighborhood value for cooperative graph games, Sylvain Béal, Marc Deschamps, Alexandre Skoda