BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe An axiomatization of the iterated h-index and applications to sport rankings Working Paper octobre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-11
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe The proportional Shapley value and an application Working Paper août 2016 WP CRESE 2016-08
BÉAL Sylvain, CASAJUS André, HUETTNER Frank, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterizations of Weighted and Equal Division Values Article avril 2016 Theory and Decision, 80, 649-667
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification Article mars 2016 Mathematical Social Sciences, 80, 47-57
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form Article janvier 2016 International Game Theory Review, 18/1, 1650003
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Discounted Tree Solutions Working Paper décembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-18
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axioms of Invariance for TU-games Article novembre 2015 International Journal of Game Theory, 44, 891-902
BÉAL Sylvain, GHINTRAN Amandine, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe The sequential equal surplus division for rooted forest games and an application to sharing a river with bifurcations Article septembre 2015 Theory and Decision, 79, 251-283
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for digraph cooperative games Working Paper juin 2015 WP CRESE 2015-07
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification Working Paper juin 2015 WP CRESE 2015-06
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A Class of Solidarity Allocation Rules for TU-games Working Paper mars 2015 WP CRESE 2015-03
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form Working Paper mars 2015 WP CRESE 2015-05