TU games with two-level communication structure, in which a two-level communication structure relates fundamentally to the given coalition structure and consists of a communication graph on the collection of the a priori unions in the coalition structure, as well as a collection of communication graphs within each union, are considered. For such games we introduce two families of two-step values inspired by the two-step procedures staying behind the Owen value (Owen, in: Henn, Moeschlin (eds) Essays in mathematical economics and game theory, Springer, Berlin, pp 76–88, 1977) and the two-step Shapley value (Kamijo in Int Game Theory Rev 11:207–214, 2009) for games with coalition structure. Our approach is based on the unified treatment of several component efficient values for games with communication structure and it generates two-stage solution concepts that apply component efficient values for games with communication structure on both distribution levels. Comparable axiomatic characterizations are provided.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35, 563-587
Owen value, TU game with two-level communication structure, Two-step Shapley value, Component efficiency, Deletion link property