Does subsidising young people to learn to drive promote social inclusion? Evidence from a large controlled experiment in France 1 décembre 2014
The sequential equal surplus division for rooted forest games and an application to sharing a river with bifurcations 1 décembre 2014
Carbon and energy prices under uncertainty: A theoretical analysis of fuel switching with heterogenous power plants 5 novembre 2014
Demande en justice et nombre de tribunaux / Volume of litigation and number of courts 1 novembre 2014
Decomposition of the space of TU-games, Strong Transfer Invariance and the Banzhaf value 1 novembre 2014
Biomass for Electricity in the EU-27: Potential Demand, CO2 Abatements and Breakeven Prices for Co-firing 1 octobre 2014
Public confidence in economics. The French Economic Association’s recommendations on scientific ethics 3 juillet 2014
Balanced collective contributions, the equal allocation of non-separable costs and application to data sharing games 1 février 2014
Modeling of Emission Allowance Markets: A Literature Review for dynamic partial equilibrium models with perfect competition 3 janvier 2014