Health is one of the main components of well-being and medical progress has enabled many people to live better lives than at any time in history. Moreover, since the second half of the 20th century, the right to health has been recognized as a human right by international law as well as by many national laws. Unfortunately for many years now – and the phe- nomenon has become even more acute since COVID-19 pandemic – there has been a worldwide shortage of healthcare workers. This is particularly true for nurses, especially in poor countries. The aim of the paper is to help assess the number of nurses needed to ensure both healthier care- givers and healthier patients. To achieve this goal, we propose a model with random arrivals and exits of patients who may be of a single type (or several), and calculate the average care time they can receive. The results are given in closed form when arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution. We also propose an analysis of the impact of working conditions on the average time that can be devoted to a patient.