Co-firing coal with biomass under mandatory obligation for renewable electricity: Implication for the electricity mix 2 mai 2017
Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market. 1 mars 2017
Comparing biomass-based and conventional heating systems with costly CO2 emissions: Cost estimations and CO2 breakeven prices for large scale district heating schemes 1 janvier 2017
Comparable Axiomatizations of Two Allocation Rules for Cooperative Games with Transferable Utility and their Subclass of Data Games 1 décembre 2016
Essais sur l’analyse économique de la négociation / Essays on the economic analysis of negotiations 24 novembre 2016
Bank Disclosure and Financial Stability / Transparence des banques et stabilité financière 14 novembre 2016
The optimal contract under adverse selection in a moral-hazard model with a risk-averse agent 20 septembre 2016