COCHARD François, COUPRIE Hélène, HOPFENSITZ Astrid What if women earned more than their spouse? An experimental investigation of work division in couples Working Paper July 2015 WP CRESE 2015-08
BOUGETTE Patrice, DESCHAMPS Marc, MARTY Frédéric When economics met antitrust : the second Chicago school and the economization of antitrust law Article June 2015 Enterprise& Society, 16/2, 313-353
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification Working Paper June 2015 WP CRESE 2015-06
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for digraph cooperative games Working Paper June 2015 WP CRESE 2015-07
THOMAS Lionel Optimal Marginal Deterrence and Incentives for Precaution Article May 2015 Review of Law and Economics, 11, 409-433
LARRIBEAU Sophie, MASCLET David, PETERLE Emmanuel Gender differences in tournament and flat wage schemes: experimental study Article April 2015 Journal of Economic Psychology, 47, 103-115
BRISSET Karine, COCHARD François, MARÉCHAL François Is the newcomer more aggressive when the incumbent is granted a Right-of-First-Refusal in a procurement auction? Experimental Evidence Article April 2015 Theory and Decision, 78, 639-665
AT Christian, GABUTHY Yannick Moral Hazard and Agency Relationship in Sequential Litigation Article March 2015 International Review of Law and Economics, 41, 86-90
AT Christian, BÉAL Sylvain, MORAND Pierre-Henri Freezeout, Compensation Rules, and Voting Equilibria Article March 2015 International Review of Law and Economics, 41, 91-102
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Decomposition of the space of TU-games, Strong Transfer Invariance and the Banzhaf value Article March 2015 Operations Research Letters, 43/2, 123-125
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A Decomposition of the Space of TU-games Using Addition and Transfer Invariance Article March 2015 Discrete Applied Mathematics, 184, 01-13
BRISSET Karine, COCHARD François, MARÉCHAL François L’impact économique du droit de préemption dans une procédure de vente Article March 2015 Revue Française d'Économie, XXX/2, 217-255
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form Working Paper March 2015 WP CRESE 2015-05
BÉAL Sylvain, CASAJUS André, HUETTNER Frank Efficient extensions of communication values Working Paper March 2015 WP CRESE 2015-04
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A Class of Solidarity Allocation Rules for TU-games Working Paper March 2015 WP CRESE 2015-03
BÉAL Sylvain, KHMELNITSKAYA Anna, SOLAL Philippe Two-step values for games with two-level communication structure Working Paper February 2015 WP CRESE 2015-02
BÉAL Sylvain, CASAJUS André, HUETTNER Frank Efficient extension of the Myerson value Working Paper February 2015 WP CRESE 2015-01
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterization of the Average Tree solution and its kernel Article January 2015 Journal of Mathematical Economics, 60, 159-165
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Preserving or removing special players: What keeps your payoff unchanged in TU-games? Article January 2015 Mathematical Social Sciences, 73, 23-31
MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence La tarification à l’activité : une réforme dénaturée du financement des hôpitaux Article January 2015 Revue Française d'Économie, XXIX/3, 111-141