POUDOU Jean-Christophe, ROLAND Michel, THOMAS Lionel Universal service obligations and competition with asymmetric information Article January 2009 The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 9, Article 35
ELNABOULSI Jihad An Incentive Water Pricing Policy for Sustainable Water Use Article January 2009 Environmental and Resource Economics, 42, 451-469
DEFFAINS Bruno, OBIDZINSKI Marie Real Options Theory for Law Makers Article January 2009 Recherches Économiques de Louvain/Louvain Economic Review, 75/1, 93-117
DALL’ERBA Sandy, LE GALLO Julie Spatial and sectoral productivity convergence between European regions, 1975-2000 Article November 2008 Papers in Regional Science, 87/4, 505-525
BOURGEOIS-GIRONDE Sacha, GIRAUD Raphaël Le tournant cognitif en économie de la décision et des comportements Chapitre/Chapter September 2008 Bernard Walliser (dir.), Économie et cognition, Ophrys, 55-91
ERTUR Cem, LE GALLO Julie Regional Growth and Convergence: Heterogenous reaction versus interaction in spatial econometric approaches Working Paper September 2008 Laboratoire d'économie d'Orléans, 2008-24
MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence Supply side risk adjustment and outlier payment policy Article September 2008 Journal of Health Economics, 27/5, 1196-1200
FINGLETON Bernard, LE GALLO Julie Estimating spatial models with endogenous variables, a spatial lag and spatially dependent disturbances: Finite sample properties Article August 2008 Papers in Regional Science, 87/3, 319-339
CHAPPE Nathalie Les enseignements de l’analyse économique en matière de résolution amiable des litiges Article August 2008 Négociations, 10, 75-88
DALL’ERBA Sandy, LE GALLO Julie Regional convergence and the impact of European structural funds over 1989-1999 : a spatial econometric analysis Article June 2008 Papers in Regional Science, 87/2, 219-244
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GUILLAIN Rachel, LE GALLO Julie Identifier la localisation des activités économiques : une approche par les outils de l’analyse exploratoire des données spatiales Article May 2008 Économie appliquée, LXI/3, 5-34
ARBIA Giuseppe, LE GALLO Julie, PIRAS Gianfranco Does evidence on regional economic convergence depend on the estimation strategy ? Outcomes from analysis of a set of NUTS-2 regions Article April 2008 Spatial Economic Analysis, 3/2, 209-224
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Ève-Angéline Incitations et licenciement individuel / Individual Dismissal and Incentives Article January 2008 Revue Française d'Économie, 23/1, 3-50
FINGLETON Bernard, LE GALLO Julie Finite sample properties of estimators of spatial models with autoregressive, or moving average, disturbances and system feedback Article January 2008 Annales d'économie et de statistique, 87-88, 39-62
CHASCO Coro, LE GALLO Julie Spatial analysis of urban growth in Spain, 1900-2001 Chapitre/Chapter January 2008 G. Arbia, B. H. Baltagi (eds), Spatial Econometrics. Studies in Empirical Economics, Physica-Verlag HD, 59-80
DALL’ERBA Sandy, GUILLAIN Rachel, LE GALLO Julie Fonds structurels, effets de débordement géographique et croissance régionale en Europe Article January 2008 Revue de l'OFCE, 104, 241-269
MOUGEOT Michel, SCHWARTZ Sonia Allocation optimale de quotas de pollution et information asymétrique Article January 2008 Revue économique, 59/3, 505-512
MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence Swiss DRGs: Patient heterogeneity and hospital payment Article January 2008 Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 144, 311-324
AT Christian, CHAPPE Nathalie Timing of Crime, Learning and Sanction Article January 2008 Review of Law and Economics, 4/1, 35-44