BERTRAND Vincent Co-firing coal with biomass under mandatory obligation for renewable electricity: Implication for the electricity mix Working Paper May 2017 Climate Economics Chair WP 2017-05
BERTRAND Vincent Co-Firing Coal with Wood Pellets in the U.S. Coal Power Stations: A Risky Solution? Article May 2017 International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, 25/3, 177-186
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Discounted Tree Solutions Article March 2017 Discrete Applied Mathematics, 219, 1-17
DICKINSON David L., MASCLET David, PETERLE Emmanuel Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market. Working Paper March 2017 WP CRESE 2017-4
BEUGNOT Julie, FORTIN Bernard, LACROIX Guy, VILLEVAL Marie-Claire Gender and Peer Effects in Social Networks Working Paper March 2017 WP CRESE 2017-3
OBIDZINSKI Marie, OYTANA Yves How does the probability of wrongful conviction affect the standard of proof? Working Paper February 2017 WP CRESE 2017-2
BERTRAND Vincent, CARPENE Lilian, OLLIVIER Timothée Comparing biomass-based and conventional heating systems with costly CO2 emissions: Cost estimations and CO2 breakeven prices for large scale district heating schemes Article January 2017 International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 20-42.
AT Christian, THOMAS Lionel Optimal lending contracts Article January 2017 Oxford Economic Papers, 69/1, 263-277
PETERLE Emmanuel, RAU Holger A Gender Differences in Competitive Positions: Experimental Evidence on Job Promotion Working Paper January 2017 WP CRESE 2017-1
BÉAL Sylvain, DESCHAMPS Marc, SOLAL Philippe Comparable Axiomatizations of Two Allocation Rules for Cooperative Games with Transferable Utility and their Subclass of Data Games Article December 2016 Journal of Public Economic Theory, 18, 992-1004
FERRIÈRES Sylvain Four essays on the axiomatic method : cooperative game theory and scientometrics Thèse/PhD November 2016 Dir. Pierfrancesco La Mura, Sylvain Béal
TISSERAND Jean-Christian Essais sur l’analyse économique de la négociation / Essays on the economic analysis of negotiations Thèse/PhD November 2016 Dir. Julie Le Gallo, Yannick Gabuthy
GUILLEMIN François Bank Disclosure and Financial Stability / Transparence des banques et stabilité financière Thèse/PhD November 2016 Dir. Catherine Refait-Alexandre
FARVAQUE Etienne, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine, SAÏDANE Dhafer Corporate disclosure: a review of its (direct and indirect) benefits and costs Working Paper November 2016
BERNHARD Pierre, DESCHAMPS Marc Cournot oligopoly with randomly arriving producers Working Paper November 2016 WP CRESE 2016-14
CHAPPE Nathalie, OYTANA Yves Expert opinion in a tort litigation game Working Paper November 2016 WP CRESE 2016-13
HUBERT Paul, LABONDANCE Fabien The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on Policy Expectations Working Paper October 2016 WP CRESE 2016-12
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe An axiomatization of the iterated h-index and applications to sport rankings Working Paper October 2016 WP CRESE 2016-11
BERNHARD Pierre, DESCHAMPS Marc Dynamic equilibrium in games with randomly arriving players Working Paper October 2016 WP CRESE 2016-10
THOMAS Lionel The optimal contract under adverse selection in a moral-hazard model with a risk-averse agent Working Paper September 2016 WP CRESE 2016-9