TAWBE Ibrahim Y. Environmental disclosure programs and birth weight: a meta-analysis Working Paper July 2023 WP CRESE 2023-02
DISS Mostapha, GUBONG GASSI TAKOULO Clinton, MOYOUWOU Issofa Social acceptability and the majoritarian compromise rule Article May 2023 Social Choice and Welfare, 61, 489-510
AWDE Ahmad, DISS Mostapha, KAMWA Eric, ROLLAND Julien Yves, TLIDI Abdelmonaim Social unacceptability for simple voting procedures Chapitre/Chapter May 2023 Sascha Kurz, Nicola Maaser, Alexander Mayer (eds.), Social Unacceptability for Simple Voting Procedures, 25-42
DISS Mostapha, DOUGHERTY Keith, HECKELMAN Jac When ties are possible: Weak Condorcet winners and Arrovian rationality Article May 2023 Mathematical Social Sciences, 123, 128-136
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, NAVARRO-RAMOS Adriana, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatic characterizations of the family of Weighted priority values Article April 2023 International Journal of Economic Theory (IJET), 19/6, 787-816
CREEL Jérôme, HUBERT Paul, LABONDANCE Fabien Credit, banking fragility, and economic performance Article April 2023 Oxford Economic Papers, 75, 553-573
DAHER Wassim, ELNABOULSI Jihad, SAGLAM Yigit Environmental taxation, information precision, and information sharing Article April 2023 Journal of Public Economic Theory, 25, 301-341
BOCQUÉHO Géraldine, DESCHAMPS Marc, HELSTROFFER Jenny, JACOB Julien, JOXHE Majlinda Modelling refugee migration under cognitive biases: Experimental evidence and policy Article April 2023 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 103, 101969
MANSANET-BATALLER Maria, PARDO Ángel On the role of financial investors in carbon markets: Insights from commitment reports and carbon literature Working Paper March 2023
TECHER Kevin Multi-choice games and applications to pollution issues Thèse/PhD March 2023 Dir. Philippe Solal, Stéphane Gonzalez
AYOUBA Kassoum, DUBOZ Marie-Line, LE GALLO Julie Assessing French departments’ spending efficiency over time Article February 2023 Applied Economics, 55, 6939-6964
BERNHARD Pierre, DESCHAMPS Marc, ZACCOUR Georges Large satellite constellations and space debris: exploratory analysis of strategic management of the space commons Article February 2023 European Journal of Operational Research, 304, 1140-1157
BÉAL Sylvain, GONZALEZ Stéphane, SOLAL Philippe, SUDHÖLTER Peter Axiomatic characterizations of the core without consistency Article January 2023 International Journal of Game Theory, 52, 687-701
CHUFFART Thomas, DUBOZ Marie-Line, ZOGBE PAIPET Corine Microfinance, inclusion financière et inégalités de revenus dans l’UEMOA Article January 2023 Région et développement, 58, p. 102-121
AT Christian, GILBERT Daniel, THOMAS Lionel Optimal policy for organic farming conversion Article January 2023 Revue d'économie politique, 133/1, 105-118
MARÉCHAL François, MORAND Pierre-Henri Achats publics responsables et achat local : enseignements des données ouvertes françaises Article January 2023 Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, 3, 387-409
ALWERFALLI Fathi An empirical study of current account balances in oil-exporting countries / Une étude empirique des balances des comptes courants dans les pays exportateurs de pétrole Thèse/PhD December 2022 Dir. Catherine Refait-Alexandre, Maria Mansanet Bataller
FAYE Djibril, RATSIMALAHELO Zaka Dynamic analysis of interest rate determinants in microfinance institutions Working Paper December 2022
DIA Assiétou Analyse de l’intervention de l’État dans le financement de l’agriculture des pays en voie de développement : le cas du Sénégal / Analysis of State intervention in the financing of agriculture in developing countries : the case of Senegal Thèse/PhD November 2022 Dir. Mathurin Founanou, Zaka Ratsimalahelo
OBIDZINSKI Marie, OYTANA Yves Prediction, human decision and liability rules Working Paper November 2022