CHIRAT Alexandre The correspondence between Baumol and Galbraith (1957-1958). An unsuspected source of managerial theories of the firm Working Paper October 2020 WP CRESE 2020-07
ASHTA Arvind, BOUASRIA Mohamedou, RATSIMALAHELO Zaka Bottlenecks ton financial development, financial inclusion, and microfinance: A case study of Mauritania Article October 2020 Revue économique, 67/5, 1007-1036
ALCENAT Stéphane Assurance maladie et tests génétiques / Health insurance and genetic information Thèse/PhD September 2020 Dir. Florence Naegelen, François Maréchal
BLOT Christophe, CREEL Jérôme, HUBERT Paul, LABONDANCE Fabien The role of ECB Monetary Policy and Financial Stress on Eurozone Sovereign Yields Article September 2020 Empirical Economics, 59/3, 1189-1211
DISS Mostapha, KAMWA Eric, TLIDI Abdelmonaim On some k-scoring rules for committee elections: agreement and Condorcet Principle Article September 2020 Revue d'économie politique, 130, 699-726
DISS Mostapha, KAMWA Eric, MAHAJNE Muhammad Borda rule as an almost first-order stochastic dominance rule Working Paper July 2020 WP CRESE 2020-05
DISS Mostapha, GORI Michele Majority properties of positional social preference correspondences Working Paper July 2020 WP CRESE 2020-06
DAHER Wassim, ELNABOULSI Jihad, SAGLAM Yigit Environmental Taxation, Information Precision, and Information Sharing Working Paper June 2020 WP CRESE 2020-04
DISS Mostapha, KAMWA Eric Simulations in Models of Preference Aggregation Article June 2020 Oeconomia, 10, 279-308
DISS Mostapha, MAHAJNE Muhammad Social acceptability of Condorcet committees Article May 2020 Mathematical Social Sciences, 105, 14-27
BÉAL Sylvain, NAVARRO Florian Necessary versus equal players in axiomatic studies Article May 2020 Operations Research Letters, 48/3, 385-391
BRISSET Karine, COCHARD François, MARÉCHAL François The Effect of a Right-of-First-Refusal Clause in a First-Price Auction with Heterogeneous Risk-Averse Bidders Article April 2020 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 176/3, 526-548
BUBBOLONI Daniela, DISS Mostapha, GORI Michele Extensions of the Simpson voting rule to the committee selection setting Article April 2020 Public Choice, 183, 151-185
OBIDZINSKI Marie, OYTANA Yves Presumption of Innocence and Deterrence Article March 2020 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 176/2, 377-412
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, SOLAL Philippe The Priority Value for Cooperative Games with a Priority Structure Working Paper March 2020 WP CRESE 2020-02
BIARD Romain, DESCHAMPS Marc Quel impact pour les taxis si la loi supprimait toute différence règlementaire entre taxis et VTC ? Éléments de réponse à partir d’une modélisation sur l’arrivée aléatoire de nouveaux concurrents Working Paper March 2020 WP CRESE 2020-03
BÉAL Sylvain, MOYOUWOU Issofa, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Cooperative games on intersection closed systems and the Shapley value Article March 2020 Mathematical Social Sciences, 104, 15-22
MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence Pollution Permit Market and International Trade-exposed Sector: Differentiated Allocations versus Border Adjustment Article March 2020 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 176/3, 473-495
BEUGNOT Julie, PETERLE Emmanuel Gender bias in job referrals: An experimental test Article January 2020 Journal of Economic Psychology, 76, 102209
GABUTHY Yannick, PETERLE Emmanuel, TISSERAND Jean-Christian Règle anglaise versus règle américaine d’allocation des frais de justice : une analyse expérimentale,English versus American rule : an experimental analysis Article January 2020 Revue Économique, 71, 973-1004