DAHER Wassim, ELNABOULSI Jihad, SAGLAM Yigit On the Social Value of Disclosed Information and Environmental Regulation Working Paper octobre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-14
GIRAUD Raphaël, THOMAS Lionel Ambiguity, Optimism, and Pessimism in Adverse Selection Models Working Paper septembre 2015 Les Cahiers du LED, document de travail n°56
FARVAQUE Etienne, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine Les exigences de transparence imposées par les accords de Bâle : Aubaine ou fardeau pour les pays émergents Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-09
ALEXANDRE Hervé, GUILLEMIN François, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine Disclosure, banks CDS spreads and the European sovereign crisis Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-10
ELNABOULSI Jihad Environmental Regulation and Policy Design: The Impact of the Regulators Ecological Conscience on the Tax Setting Process Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-11
DESCHAMPS Marc, PÉNIN Julien La construction d’une sanction: Le cas des pénalités de retard dans les centres de loisirs de la commune d’Asnières-sur-Seine Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-12
BERNHARD Pierre, DESCHAMPS Marc On Dynamic Games with Randomly Arriving Players Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-13
COCHARD François, COUPRIE Hélène, HOPFENSITZ Astrid What if women earned more than their spouse? An experimental investigation of work division in couples Working Paper juillet 2015 WP CRESE 2015-08
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for digraph cooperative games Working Paper juin 2015 WP CRESE 2015-07
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatic characterizations under players nullification Working Paper juin 2015 WP CRESE 2015-06
BÉAL Sylvain, CASAJUS André, HUETTNER Frank Efficient extensions of communication values Working Paper mars 2015 WP CRESE 2015-04
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterizations of three linear values for TU games by associated consistency: simple proofs using the Jordan normal form Working Paper mars 2015 WP CRESE 2015-05
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A Class of Solidarity Allocation Rules for TU-games Working Paper mars 2015 WP CRESE 2015-03
BÉAL Sylvain, CASAJUS André, HUETTNER Frank Efficient extension of the Myerson value Working Paper février 2015 WP CRESE 2015-01
BÉAL Sylvain, KHMELNITSKAYA Anna, SOLAL Philippe Two-step values for games with two-level communication structure Working Paper février 2015 WP CRESE 2015-02
BÉAL Sylvain, GHINTRAN Amandine, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe The sequential equal surplus division for rooted forest games and an application to sharing a river with bifurcations Working Paper décembre 2014 GATE WP 1440
L’HORTY Yannick, LE GALLO Julie, PETIT Pascale Does subsidising young people to learn to drive promote social inclusion? Evidence from a large controlled experiment in France Working Paper décembre 2014 TEPP WP 2014-15
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Characterization of the Average Tree solution and its kernel Working Paper novembre 2014 WP CRESE 2014-04
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Decomposition of the space of TU-games, Strong Transfer Invariance and the Banzhaf value Working Paper novembre 2014 WP CRESE 2014-05
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Veto players, the kernel of the Shapley value and its characterization Working Paper octobre 2014 WP CRESE 2014-03