BÉAL Sylvain, GHINTRAN Amandine, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe The River Sharing Problem : a Survey Article January 2013 International Game Theory Review, 15, 1-19
CHAPPE Nathalie, GIRAUD Raphaël, OBIDZINSKI Marie Analyse économique de l’accès au juge Chapitre/Chapter January 2013 Virginie Donier et Béatrice Lapérou-Scheneider (dir.), L'accès au juge. Recherche sur l'effectivité d'un droit, Bruylant, 379-397
MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence Vertical Differentiation, Quality Competition and Second-Best Hospital Price Regulation Article January 2013 Annals of Economics and Statistics, 109-110, 163-178
MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence Les marchés de permis d’émission : principes et évolution Chapitre/Chapter December 2012 Gilles J. Martin et Béatrice Parance (dir.), La régulation environnementale, LGDJ, 90-104
CHAPPE Nathalie, LAMBERT Ève-Angéline, TIRVAUDEY Catherine Vers des principes directeurs de la médiation : une analyse juridico-économique Chapitre/Chapter December 2012 Filali Osman (dir.), La médiation en matière civile et commerciale, Bruylant, 31-46
BERTRAND Vincent Understanding fuel switching under the EU ETS Article November 2012 International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 35/6,
BESSEC Marie, DESBONNET Audrey, KANKANAMGE Sumudu, WEITZENBLUM Thomas Sur les interactions entre politiques de dette publique et de transfert Article November 2012 Revue d'économie politique, 122/6, 903-920
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Fairness and Fairness for Neighbors: The Difference between the Myerson Value and Component-Wise Egalitarian Solutions Article October 2012 Economics Letters, 117/1, 263-267
FARVAQUE Etienne, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine, WEILL Laurent Are Transparent Banks More Efficient? Article September 2012 Eastern European Economics, 50/4, 60-77
DESCHAMPS Marc, FEREY Samuel Économie comportementale et politique de concurrence Article September 2012 Revue française d'économie, XXVII/4, 81-114
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Weighted component fairness for forest games Article September 2012 Mathematical Social Sciences, 64/2, 144-151
BERTRAND Vincent Climate Policy, Emission Trading and the EU ETS: A Review Article August 2012 International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, 20/5, 479-507
BERTRAND Vincent The european union emission trading scheme and energy markets : economic and financial analysis / Le marché européen du CO2 et les marchés de l’énergie : analyse économique et financière Thèse/PhD July 2012 Dir. Michel Mougeot, Florence Naegelen
BÉAL Sylvain, LARDON Aymeric, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe The Average Tree Solution for Multi-choice Forest Games Article July 2012 Annals of Operations Research, 196, 27-51
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe On the number of blocks required to access the core Article May 2012 Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160/7-8, 925-932
BARRY Mamadou Diang Développement financier et croissance économique : études théoriques et applications sur l’UEMOA et la CEDEAO / Financial development and economic growth : theory and evidence from WAEMU and ECOWAS areas Thèse/PhD April 2012 Dir. Zaka Ratsimalahelo
AT Christian, MORAND Pierre-Henri Privatization and Leverage Article April 2012 Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 28/1, 32-44
MARÉCHAL François, MORAND Pierre-Henri Small business participation procurement policy: Subcontracting vs allotment Article March 2012 Recherches économiques de Louvain, 78/2, 5-23
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Compensations in the Shapley value and the compensation solutions for graph games Article February 2012 International Journal of Game Theory, 41, 157-178
MARÉCHAL François, MORAND Pierre-Henri The public release of information in first-price sealed-bid auctions Article February 2012 Review of Economic Design, 16, 323-330