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ASHTA Arvind, ATTUEL-MENDES Laurence, RATSIMALAHELO Zaka Another « French paradox »: explaining why interest rates to microenterprises dit not increase with the change in French usury legislation Article décembre 2015 European Journal of Law and Economics, 40, 479-509
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Discounted Tree Solutions Working Paper décembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-18
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BRISSET Karine, COCHARD François, LE GALLO Julie Secret versus public reserve price in an outcry English procurement auction: Experimental results Article novembre 2015 International Journal of Production Economics, 169, 285-298
HIRIART Yolande, THOMAS Lionel The Optimal Regulation of a Risky Monopoly Working Paper novembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-16
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ELNABOULSI Jihad Environmental Regulation and Policy Design: The Impact of the Regulators Ecological Conscience on the Tax Setting Process Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-11
ALEXANDRE Hervé, GUILLEMIN François, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine Disclosure, banks CDS spreads and the European sovereign crisis Working Paper septembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-10
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