MOUGEOT Michel, NAEGELEN Florence Achieving a fair geographical distribution of health-care resources Article mai 2018 Regional Science and Urban Economics, 70, 384 - 392
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatization of an allocation rule for ordered tree TU-games Article mai 2018 Mathematical Social Sciences, 93, 132-140
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BÉAL Sylvain, KHMELNITSKAYA Anna, SOLAL Philippe Two-step values for games with two-level communication structure Article février 2018 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35, 563-587
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ALIA Hayyan, BAZART Cécile, BCHIR Mohamed Ali, BLONDEL Serge, BONESCU Mihaela, BORNIER Alexandrine, BROUARD Joëlle, CHAPPE Nathalie, COCHARD François, FLAGE Alexandre, GALEOTTI Fabio, HOLLANDTS Xavier, HOPFENSITZ Astrid, JACQUEMET Nicolas, LE LEC Fabrice, LEFEBVRE Marianne, LEPLAT Mélody, LOHEAC Youenn, MANTILLA Cesar, MATEU Guillermo, PÉRON Guillaume, PETERLE Emmanuel, PETIT Emmanuel, RAIBER Eva, ROSAZ Julie, ROZAN Anne, SUTAN Angela, TISSERAND Jean-Christian, VILLEVAL Marie-Claire, WILLINGER Marc M., ZYLBERSZTEJN Adam Mise en place d’une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie Article septembre 2017 Revue Économique, 68/5, 941-953
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BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe A strategic implementation of the sequential equal surplus division rule for digraph cooperative games Article juin 2017 Annals of Operations Research, 253, 43-59
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Axiomatization and implementation of a class of solidarity values for TU-games Article juin 2017 Theory and Decision, 83, 61-94
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BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Discounted Tree Solutions Article mars 2017 Discrete Applied Mathematics, 219, 1-17
BERTRAND Vincent, CARPENE Lilian, OLLIVIER Timothée Comparing biomass-based and conventional heating systems with costly CO2 emissions: Cost estimations and CO2 breakeven prices for large scale district heating schemes Article janvier 2017 International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 20-42.
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ALEXANDRE Hervé, GUILLEMIN François, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine Crise de la dette souveraine dans l’Union européenne : transparence des banques et spreads de CDS Article septembre 2016 Revue Économique, 67/5, 1007-1035
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