PETERLE Emmanuel, RAU Holger A Gender Differences in Competitive Positions: Experimental Evidence on Job Promotion Working Paper janvier 2017 WP CRESE 2017-1
FARVAQUE Etienne, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine, SAÏDANE Dhafer Corporate disclosure: a review of its (direct and indirect) benefits and costs Working Paper novembre 2016
CHAPPE Nathalie, OYTANA Yves Expert opinion in a tort litigation game Working Paper novembre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-13
BERNHARD Pierre, DESCHAMPS Marc Cournot oligopoly with randomly arriving producers Working Paper novembre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-14
BERNHARD Pierre, DESCHAMPS Marc Dynamic equilibrium in games with randomly arriving players Working Paper octobre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-10
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe An axiomatization of the iterated h-index and applications to sport rankings Working Paper octobre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-11
HUBERT Paul, LABONDANCE Fabien The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on Policy Expectations Working Paper octobre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-12
THOMAS Lionel The optimal contract under adverse selection in a moral-hazard model with a risk-averse agent Working Paper septembre 2016 WP CRESE 2016-9
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe The proportional Shapley value and an application Working Paper août 2016 WP CRESE 2016-08
HUBERT Paul, LABONDANCE Fabien Central Bank Sentiment and Policy Expectations Working Paper juillet 2016 Revue d'Economie Politique, 133, 105-118.
FERRIÈRES Sylvain Nullified equal loss property and equal division values Working Paper mai 2016 WP CRESE 2016-6
BCHIR Mohamed Ali, COCHARD François, ROZAN Anne, SARR Hamet Nonpoint source pollution: An experimental investigation of the Average Pigouvian Tax Working Paper mai 2016 WP CRESE 2016-5
BORZINO Natalia, FATAS Enrique, PETERLE Emmanuel In Gov We Trust: Voluntary compliance in networked investment games Working Paper avril 2016 WP CRESE 2016-4
FERRIÈRES Sylvain Smoothness, nullified equal loss property and equal division values Working Paper janvier 2016 WP CRESE 2016-1
FOUNANOU Mathurin, RATSIMALAHELO Zaka Regulation of Microfinance Institutions in Developing countries: an incentives theory approach Working Paper janvier 2016 WP CRESE 2016-3
REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine, SERVE Stéphanie Multiple Banking Relationships: Do SMEs Mistrust Their Banks? Working Paper janvier 2016 WP CRESE 2016-2
KOLOMA Yaya, RATSIMALAHELO Zaka Jeunes, accès au microcrédit et performance des microentreprises: une évidence au Mali Working Paper décembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-15
BENTATA Pierre, HIRIART Yolande Biased Judges: Evidence from French Environmental Cases Working Paper décembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-17
BÉAL Sylvain, RÉMILA Éric, SOLAL Philippe Discounted Tree Solutions Working Paper décembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-18
HIRIART Yolande, THOMAS Lionel The Optimal Regulation of a Risky Monopoly Working Paper novembre 2015 WP CRESE 2015-16