DISS Mostapha, KAMWA Eric, MAHAJNE Muhammad Borda rule as an almost first-order stochastic dominance rule Working Paper juillet 2020 WP CRESE 2020-05
DISS Mostapha, GORI Michele Majority properties of positional social preference correspondences Working Paper juillet 2020 WP CRESE 2020-06
DAHER Wassim, ELNABOULSI Jihad, SAGLAM Yigit Environmental Taxation, Information Precision, and Information Sharing Working Paper juin 2020 WP CRESE 2020-04
BIARD Romain, DESCHAMPS Marc Quel impact pour les taxis si la loi supprimait toute différence règlementaire entre taxis et VTC ? Éléments de réponse à partir d’une modélisation sur l’arrivée aléatoire de nouveaux concurrents Working Paper mars 2020 WP CRESE 2020-03
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain, SOLAL Philippe The Priority Value for Cooperative Games with a Priority Structure Working Paper mars 2020 WP CRESE 2020-02
CREEL Jérôme, HUBERT Paul, LABONDANCE Fabien Credit, banking fragility and economic performance Working Paper décembre 2019 OFCE WP 03/2020
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DESCHAMPS Marc, DISS Mostapha Brexit et transfert des agences européennes : Pourquoi l’Agence européenne des médicaments ira-t-elle à Amsterdam et l’Autorité bancaire européenne à Paris ? Working Paper novembre 2019 WP CRESE 2019-09
BÉAL Sylvain, FERRIÈRES Sylvain Examination design: an axiomatic approach Working Paper septembre 2019 WP CRESE 2019-05
MARÉCHAL François, THOMAS Lionel The optimal payment system for hospitals under adverse selection, moral hazard, and limited liability Working Paper mai 2019 WP CRESE 2019-04
OBIDZINSKI Marie, OYTANA Yves Presumption of innocence and deterrence Working Paper septembre 2018 TEPP WP n°2018-07
OBIDZINSKI Marie, OYTANA Yves Identity mistakes and the standard of proof Working Paper septembre 2018 TEPP WP n°2018-08
DICKINSON David, MASCLET David, PETERLE Emmanuel Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market Working Paper février 2018 CREM WP 2018-01
DESCHAMPS Marc, JEANDIDIER Bruno Expertise économique et droit français de la concurrence Working Paper janvier 2018 WP CRESE 2018-01
ALEXANDRE Hervé, BOUAISS Karima, REFAIT-ALEXANDRE Catherine Will Bank Transparency really Help Financial Markets and Regulators? Working Paper novembre 2017 Cahier de recherche de DRM 2010-07
BERTRAND Vincent Co-firing coal with biomass under mandatory obligation for renewable electricity: Implication for the electricity mix Working Paper mai 2017 Climate Economics Chair WP 2017-05
BEUGNOT Julie, FORTIN Bernard, LACROIX Guy, VILLEVAL Marie-Claire Gender and Peer Effects in Social Networks Working Paper mars 2017 WP CRESE 2017-3
DICKINSON David L., MASCLET David, PETERLE Emmanuel Discrimination as favoritism: The private benefits and social costs of in-group favoritism in an experimental labor market. Working Paper mars 2017 WP CRESE 2017-4
OBIDZINSKI Marie, OYTANA Yves How does the probability of wrongful conviction affect the standard of proof? Working Paper février 2017 WP CRESE 2017-2